Monday, December 29, 2014

Spring 2015_Adventure Four: Action, What happened, So What, and Who Cares?

After watching this video, take a few minutes to visit this webpage.  After familiarizing yourself with the site, make a list of things that you are thankful for.

Now, pick three of those things that you have used to serve others.  List those below.
Describe how this idea of "being grateful" and "serving others" is central to the work that you've done to make your place better.

Responses to this prompt are due at the beginning of Adventure Five. 

More about Brother Steindl-Rast (the speaker in the video):

Steindl-Rast was born and raised in Vienna, Austria. He received his MA degree from the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts and his Ph.D. in experimental psychology from the University of Vienna (1952). He emigrated to the United States in the same year and became a Benedictine monk in 1953 at Mt. Saviour Monastery in Pine City, New York, a newly founded Benedictine community. With permission of his abbot, Damasus Winzen, in 1966 he was officially delegated to pursue Buddhist-Christian dialogue and began to study Zen with masters Haku'un YasutaniSoen NakagawaShunryu Suzuki and Eido Tai Shimano.
He co-founded the Center for Spiritual Studies with JewishBuddhistHindu and Sufi teachers and is a member of the Lindisfarne Association. His writings include Gratefulness, the Heart of Prayer, The Music of Silence (with Sharon Lebell), Words of Common Sense and Belonging to the Universe (co-authored with Fritjof Capra). He also co-founded A Network for Grateful Living, an organization dedicated to gratefulness as a transformative influence for individuals and society.


  1. Matt Rensel -
    Currently I've been volunteering a lot at soup kitchens around the Cleveland area for the homeless during the winter. Many people don't have the money to buy food and with me volunteering there, it makes me feel grateful that I have the parents that provide me food and that extra money can go towards the homeless to help them too. Another thing is that I am a good recipient of University Hospitals as I was one of there early first recipients. I am grateful to be able to hear today and live a life in a whole different direction and I'm grateful to be a role model to little kids who are either fully deaf or a recent recipient.

  2. 1. My Car: I could use my car to drive friends or family around if they need a ride.
    2. My Job: I could provide people with excellent customer service instead of sass.
    3. My Education: Use the things that I learned while studying engineering to better the lives of other people in the world.

    The idea of being grateful and serving others has made my place better by helping others to feel more grateful and in turn make them more happy. My work was directly done in order to make people become more happy and live life more gratefully.

  3. I have used my car, roof, knowledge to serve others. I have served others by generously driving them to places whenever they do not have access to transportation. I have also allowed those who needed a place to stay by taking my bed and I slept on the couch. I have used my knowledge to help many others from a large variety of things whether it be about computers, music, lifting properly, etc.

  4. Jennifer Benesh
    1) Having a job. I'm thankful for having a job because then I get money to buy things for other people. This makes my place better because buying people things causes happiness.
    2) My health. I'm thankful for my health because being sick is not fun. This makes my place better because being healthy lets me help other people besides myself.
    3) My intelligence. I'm thankful for my intelligence because then I can spread my intelligence to other people. This makes my place better because then everyone will be intelligent.

  5. Ashley Borghese

    I have used kindness to serve others by making their day a little better. I can use similes and hugs to comfort others when they need it. I can share with others to help them by giving them something they need.
    serving others makes other makes the world a better place
